ICMS'2000 logo

Last update:
June 9, 2000

(update: Jun 5)

Conference Program
(update: Jun 5)

(update: Jun 6)

Poster Displays
(update: Jun 7)

General Information
(update: Apr 28)

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(update: Jun 7)

Social Program
(update: Jun 9)
Pre-Conference Program
Social Program
Post-Conference Program

Travel Information
(update: Jun 6)

(update: Feb 17)

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The International Conference on Multiphase Systems, ICMS'2000
Ufa, RUSSIA, June 15-17, 2000

Pre-Conference Program (for international guests)

To participate in the pre-conference social program planned by the Organizing Committee in Moscow it is desirable for you to come to Moscow about June 11, or even earlier if you like to spend more days in Moscow.

June 8
Moiseev's Dance Company, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall

June 9
"Napoleon Bonaparte" ballet, Kremlin Palace of Congresses

June 9, 1200
Pushkin Museum

June 10
"The Sylphid" ballet, Bolshoy Theatre

June 11, 1400
"The Nut-Cracker" ballet, Kremlin Palace of Congresses

June 11, 1900
Circus in the Tsvetnoy Boulevard

June 12, 1500
Kremlin excursions, cathedrals, the Armoury

June 12
Visit to the Russian Parliament (Duma)

June 12
"Don Quixote" ballet, Kremlin Palace of Congresses

June 13, 1030
Tretyakov Gallery

June 13
"La Traviata" opera, Bolshoy Theatre

June 13
"The Swan Lake" ballet, Kremlin Palace of Congresses

June 14
Kremlin excursions, cathedrals, the Armoury

We plan (during June 12-13) to show you the Research Center on Safety of Atomic Power Stations in Electrogorsk (director Bulat Nigmatulin) and Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy in Moscow, visit theatres and museums. This program is under construction now and we will inform you about detailes later.

Social Program

June 15, 1000
Nesterov Museum

June 15, 1200
Visit to the Gostinyi Dvor

June 15, 1430
Visit to the Mosque Madrasah "Lyalya-Tyulpan"

June 15, 1600
Museum of War Glory and Victory Park

June 16, 1000
Museum of Archeology and Ethnography

June 16, 1420
Museum of Geology and Useful Minerals

June 16, 1530
Exhibition of Young Artists "White River"

June 17, 1000
Museum of Ethnography of Bashkortostan Nations

June 17, 1130
Visit to the gallery "Sangat"

June 17, 1400
Trip to the Salavat Ulaev Monument and Gafuri Academician Dramatic Theatre

June 17, 1800
Festal Sesion in the Opera and Ballet Theatre

Post-Conference Program (for international guests)

After the close of the conference (June 18-19) the Organizing Committee invites the participants and accompanying persons to have a rest at the Yangantau Health Resort, which is situated within 200 km from Ufa in one of the most beautiful places of Bashkortostan. You will enjoy it greatly. Both travel and accommodation expenses during this trip will be covered by the Organizing Committee.

Beautiful view from Yangantau Health Resort

Beautiful view from Yangantau Health Resort

The spring of mineral water Kurgazak

The spring of mineral water Kurgazak