To participate in the pre-conference social program planned
by the Organizing Committee in Moscow it is desirable for you to
come to Moscow about June 11, or even earlier if you like to spend
more days in Moscow.
June 8
Moiseev's Dance Company, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall
June 9
"Napoleon Bonaparte" ballet, Kremlin Palace of Congresses
June 9, 1200
Pushkin Museum
June 10
"The Sylphid" ballet, Bolshoy Theatre
June 11, 1400
"The Nut-Cracker" ballet, Kremlin Palace of Congresses
June 11, 1900
Circus in the Tsvetnoy Boulevard
June 12, 1500
Kremlin excursions, cathedrals, the Armoury
June 12
Visit to the Russian Parliament (Duma)
June 12
"Don Quixote" ballet, Kremlin Palace of Congresses
June 13, 1030
Tretyakov Gallery
June 13
"La Traviata" opera, Bolshoy Theatre
June 13
"The Swan Lake" ballet, Kremlin Palace of Congresses
June 14
Kremlin excursions, cathedrals, the Armoury
We plan (during June 12-13) to show you the Research Center on Safety
of Atomic Power Stations in Electrogorsk (director Bulat Nigmatulin) and
Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy in Moscow, visit theatres and
museums. This program is under construction now and we will inform you
about detailes later.