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The International Conference on Multiphase Systems, ICMS'2000
Ufa, RUSSIA, June 15-17, 2000

Release of Energy in the Boundary Layer of the Fast Rotating Neutron Star

Sibgatullin N. R.

The Moscow State University, RUSSIA

Sunyaev R. A.

The Institut of Cosmic Researches, Moscow, RUSSIA

In the frame of newtonian mechanics is studied the energy release at the surfase of the fast rotating neutron star accreted by particles from the keplerian disk. It is shown the cold uniformely rotating neutron star (NS) to be twoparametric thermodynamical system defined by its mass and angular momentum. The relation of type Gibbs identity is established between the total NS energy variation and that of the mass and angular momentum. The energy brouht in by accreted particles cann't be accumulated inside of the NS body. It leads to the variatrion of NS mass, angular momentum and strong X-ray radiation from the NS surface. For the last is obtained very simple formula .