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The International Conference on Multiphase Systems, ICMS'2000
Ufa, RUSSIA, June 15-17, 2000

Production of Bitumen Materials in Deasphaltisation Process

Kozin V. G., Khusnutdinov I. Sh., Petrukhin E. V.

Kazan State Technological University, Kazan, RUSSIA

The following methods occur widely to obtain road and building bitumens:

  • oxidation of oil residues,

  • high vacuum distillation,

  • deasphaltisation of vacuum residues.

Each of these methods has their advantages and shortcomings. Production of oxiditet bitumens is the most studied and large-capacity process due to a relative simplicity and versatility of this technology, possibility to obtain bitumen with a wide range of properties. At the same time, it is practically unique process in oil processing in petrochemistry aimed at production of tar-asphalthene substances (TAS) from oil fractions. Production of oxiditet bitumens is accompained by formation of liquid and gaseous waste products which must be utilized. This is espesially of current interest, when mazuts are used as stock material.