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The International Conference on Multiphase Systems, ICMS'2000
Ufa, RUSSIA, June 15-17, 2000

Propagation of Linear Surface Waves in Saturated Porous Media

Gubaidullin A. A., Kuchugurina O. Yu.

Tyumen Branch of Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Tyumen, Russia

The features of linear surface Rayleigh waves propagating along free surface of porous medium saturated with liquid are investigated. The dispersion relation is obtained. It is found that the only wave may propagate along free surface of the medium that is a combination of transverse and fast longitudinal waves. The frequency dependence of phase velocity, linear decrement of attenuation and coefficients exhibiting damping of amplitude with depth for monochromatic waves are studied. The dependence of averaged acoustic energy of monochromatic wave on depth is calculated. The pattern of deformation of near-surface area during surface wave propagation is considered.